Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mischief Managed: Harry Potter e i doni de la morte!

Harry Potter 7 premiered in Italy Friday and like the true fans we are, Anne and I went to see it!  Lucky for us the Metropolitan theater on Viale del Corso played the movie in English with Italian subtitles so we were able to fully enjoy it!  The movie, which is really called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is called "Harry potter and the things of death" in Italian.  It was kind of neat to go to an italian movie theater.  They assign you seats, which is strange, and we got stuck in the front row.  However, nothing was able to negatively influence our enjoyment of one of the greatest books/ movies yet!  It was also funny to see how things like names were translated into Italian.  For example, Lord Voldemort is called "Signore Oscuri" or "Obscure Lord" and Professor Dumblebore is translated as "Professore Silente", which we couldn't quite understand was an interesting experience!

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